Saturday, April 30, 2011

9 months....

Lately I've been feeling like I'm carrying such a heavy load, physically as well as mentally. We're at the end of a LONG winter where I've been shut up in the house too much and dealing with so many heavy issues that I just feel wore out. The simple fact of getting both boys ready to go anywhere makes me want to give up before starting. I feel like I just don't have anything to give in my relationships and I feel bad about that. I know in a couple of years I'll be in a different, freer place, but I feel chained to my home and children right now- which really gets overwhelming. Anyone want to take a cruise??

I'm sorry family that I don't have any belly shots, but here's a photo I found that gives you a pretty good idea of what things are looking like:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things that irritate me about SAHM/business bloggers

1. Naming their furniture. Or even worse, naming the cloth napkin that is the design inspiration for the house.
2. "Happy Dance"
3. Silhouette cutter giveaways. $229 becomes less of a great deal when every other blogger is offering the same great deal.
4. "Squeeeee!" Oh just poke me in the eye.
5. Separating. Every. Word. With. A. Period. To. Show. Depth. Of. Emotion.
6. A blog roll of a zillion blogs.
7. Blogs that take FOREVER to download on my wimpy server because of all the widgets, advertisements, buttons etc.
8. Simultaneous pattern offerings across every single blog. You do not need to offer a burp cloth/decorated onesie/changing pad pattern when every single blog on your blog roll has one.
9.seasonal wreaths
10. 15 shots of the same thing, from various veiw points.

And there is my top ten internet irritants. What are yours?
11. Asking lame questions at the end of posts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If you were ever a Balon.....

You will pee your pants laughing at this site:

If you were never a Balon, but love satire, or have lived with a teenage girl, or are female, you'll love it. Just don't read it at work because spewing Diet Coke on your computer will be hard to explain.

You have to read old posts because apparently she's not blogging anymore. It's worth it.