Monday, March 28, 2011

Tack got the McSnippitySnip today. I had been going back and forth in my mind about which dog I should nueter. With all the running around town looking for girlfriends going on, I knew one of them needed it. So, wanting to keep one male for breeding, do I go for looks or personality?
I went for looks. Did I make the right choice???? I don't know.
More than likely in 2-3 years I won't even want to breed dogs and Royal will have his appointed day at the vet too. But for right now I don't want to totally close that door. While he was under, we did a professional clean on Tack's teeth as well. Turns out two of his front teeth are loose. What's up with that? Sometime in the future he will lose them and become a gap toothed hillbilly dog. But that's alright. I love him to bits anyway. Nothing will change that.

I'm fearful that the boys have pink eye again. It seems like daycare is a breedall for disgusting things, but I still send them. There are just days when I've got to have that break for sanity.

Spring is battling it out with winter for who will have control of our alpine desert. Its touch and go- snow today, but not enough to cover the ground. I LOVE the warmer weather although it makes me want to get out and ride my horse so so much. I get horse fever in the spring too, and start thinking about buying another one. I love going to horse auctions, but I come home feeling deflated if I or someone with me doesn't buy one. It's not an altogether safe day out!

Reading two awesome books at once- Forgotten God by Francis Chan and Lioness Rising by Lisa Bevere. Both books are just rockin with where I'm at right now. Speaking of books, I've hardly been able to keep up with PaperbackSwap- the requests keep coming in! I'm really loving it- although they don't have ANY good interior design books. I'm going to go on tonight and see if they have any TinTin. Caleb is loving those right now- I think it's the comic book feel with all the stuff he loves- boats, planes, rocket ships, etc.

So hey- I just figured out how to link from my blog! SO easy but typically, I had no idea how to do it until I was trying to do something else. I am trying to figure out how to post a pdf file so that you, my five beloved readers, can download fun files and print them on your computer. I've got a really cute recipe card, a babysitter info sheet, and a grocery list/ menu sheet to make into a awesome magnet notepad for the fridge. Can anyone shoot me some pointers?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh yeah, and the chair......

So here is the finished product. I feel very unhappy about not being able to do a full tutorial as planned, but I guess there are enough on the internet to show how it is done. I would suggest Miss Mustard Seed's blog if you are interested. Overall, this was really a fun project that was easy and fairly fast. The chairs before were a dark fly specked oak with (get this!) Snow leopard print velour seats! Rowr! I like how they turned out, but still like the looks of just the frames best. Go figure. It's the graphic artist in me- I just love good lines in furniture, and I think the stuffed seats and upholstered backs cover them up a bit. The backs were caned, but had big holes in them, so they are redone in canvas with taupe trim. Originally I was thinking I would do pattern on the seat and back, but this look is a bit lighter and less busy, which I really like. I really struggled with the fabric choice. Originally I was thinking of a strong graphic print in really juicy colors, but I had to reign myself in and think about my home. I'm not doing juicy anywhere in my house- its all warm tones and rich hues. The big cabbage rose print is a nod to the west and the lovely creams blend into the house better. I think its a good fit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I started to upload my pictures for the chair redo tutorial and this is what I got. What the heck?? Obviously, this is not going to work. So, heaving a frustrated sigh at all my wasted planning and picture taking, here's an after: