It's true. I've pretty much abandoned my blog for the last month or so because I've had so much going on. Only recently have I been able to slow down and take stock of life. I've got a bunch of posts backlogged, so this will be the usual disappear for awhile and then come back with several blogs a day until I've purged them all from my system!
The best news of the summer? the birth of BabE on memorial day! At 6:30 in the morning my water broke and we rushed to the hospital, fully expecting to have a baby by noon! Well, noon rolled around and nothing- not a single contraction! The nurse came in and said if nothing was happening by 1:30 we were going to pitocin. I had a while to think about it and at first I was kind of freaked out. But then I thought about how I had given this whole process to God. He knew what He was doing, and if Pitocin was a part of that, then I wasn't going to freak out about it.
1:30 came, I got the Pitocin, and finally I started with some contractions! I mean, I loved the 6 straight hours of HGTV watching, but I was there to have a baby and was ready to get the party started! I had wanted to try an epidural with this birth, so right about the time the pain was getting intense they put it in. BLISS! PURE BLISS! I sat back watching TV and talking with Ron while my body did its thing. Every once in a while the nurse would come in and say, Oh yes, they are quite close together and boy are they spiking! I wasn't feeling any of it! It was awesome!
So pretty much the nurse checked me, the baby was crowning, and the doctor made it in time to tell me to push three times and babE was here! It was the most peaceful birthing experience ever! BabE proved to be one mellow fellow in the madness that ensued, and is just the sweetest thing ever. We love him to bits and I have been pleasantly surprised at how LB and Chubzie have welcomed him into our family with open, squishing, arms.
So stay tuned for the rest of my crazy and fun news!