Thursday, September 30, 2010

Don't forget Fido!

Here are some of the things I've been working on for the Christmas Craft Fairs:
Round "cush" beds for the traditional dog
Modern "pillow" beds for the fresh, fun dog
and "swiss eyelet" collars for the....ah.... Swiss dog?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Frame Gottlieb von Koch - Full Cry - Fox Hunting

Frame Gottlieb von Koch - Full Cry - Fox Hunting

Want this for my library....

Sewing right along

Right now I am trying to cram in a ridiculous amount of sewing in my spare time. The second I get the boys down for naps or bedtime I shout "stay in your beds!" while running out the back door to my art shed.
I have three purses not yet started that I have promised my friends. Two are pretty easy, straightforward concepts, but the third is really complicated.
I also am trying to finish up some hats to send to my sister who is selling them at craft fairs this month
On top of that, A friend and I are going to hit a couple of Christmas craft fairs with a booth catering to canines. That means homemade dog beds, collars and leash sets, and biscuits.
Did I mention there is a coffee table over at Ana Whites's site that I really want to build?

All of this would be so much easier to do if I didn't have an actual life.