What a wild and fun time we had with sis, Bro-inlaw, Bro-in law's bro and their childrens. We jammed a lot of activities into a week- whew!
HOrseback riding was lots of fun. I was amazed at the natural ease of riding displayed by all!
We ran around in big pickups looking for elk, which we didn't find, and buffalo, which we did. I think everyone, including Ron and I , enjoyed some time in warm sunshine and cool mountain air. I forget how quiet it is here, and how restful that is to me.
What cuties I have for neices and nephews!
They were fearless- ready to do anything as long as they didn't get too dirty. My neice held up a boot to me and said "Look! Mud! I have mud on my boots!"
They laughed at all the poop so readily available everywhere they looked.
They also loved Tack, who loved them right back. He's never been so popular! And hugged!
What an awesome visit! We loved connecting and spending time wth our fam. They are truly amazing.